Tuesday, July 24, 2018

What Psychologists Think About Play Therapy

By Charles Hughes

Young children go through a range of emotions when they suffer from various issues in life. It can be difficult to spot this at times because kids usually keep their problems to themselves. However, it is important to be aware of the signs because often when it is bothersome, it can affect them for many years, and often into their adult years as well. Play therapy can be a good way of getting to the root of the problem.

A lot of parents think that their kids get angry or throw tantrums because this is just part of their personality. However, there are reasons why some children become more volatile. Kids sometimes are very frustrated because there is a problem in their lives which parents are not aware of. Kids don't know what this is either, but they are definitely frustrated about it.

Often, parents will merely think that it is a stage or they are going through a time where they are becoming naughty and it can be difficult to discipline them. This is where they will go to a therapist, and they will find out more about the situation. A tantrum, for example can relate to a lot of things in a child's life. This is often a way of a child expressing their frustration, anger or sadness.

Many kids will show these signs of emotions when they have autism or when they attention deficit disorder. A therapist will be able to tell more about what they are going through by the way they express themselves. The non-verbal process is very important. It is the verbal process that is always emphasized. But you can tell so much by looking at how kids act without them even saying a word.

This is something to consider because children who lose a loved one should also be counselled. This is the more natural way of receiving treatment. Kids don't always concentrate very well during a session of talk therapy. This is the more traditional approach and they are often resistant to this therapy. Sometimes, they just don't want to receive help.

Sometimes, they are involved in imaginary play. This is where emotions are involved. Therapist begin to get a better idea of what is happening with the child. They can begin to ask questions, but are obviously careful about not pushing them too far. The signs also come out in their drawings and paintings. Children are very often during the creative process.

During this time, the child is able to release a lot of emotions that they may have been holding it. This can relate to aggression or fear. They are often disappointed about something and become sad. This can be seen in the way in which they play with various toys. Over time, the non-verbal therapy will become more verbal in natural as the youngster connects with the therapist.

A therapist will look at their strengths and help them to develop various social skills which can help their confidence grow. Over time, the child will become more assertive. Through this, they will find it easier to make friends and to adjust to a new routine or an environment. Parents need to ask the teacher whether there is anything to worry about or whether the child needs should look into these types of techniques, helping them to persevere.

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