Sunday, August 23, 2015

The Art-Related Do's And Don'ts

By Jennifer Marie Anderson

If there's one thing that can be said about art, it's that it's nothing short of broad. Everything from writing to web design can be covered, which is a fact that no one can overlook. With that said, I think that it would be important to talk about the do's and don'ts, as it relates to the artistic side of things. If you are able to keep these points in mind, you will learn more about art than you would have probably thought of before.

Do focus on what interests you. This probably goes without saying, but art is most beneficial when it's honed on what interests you the most. For example, you may be someone who is great with words and would like to create stories of their own. For this reason, not only may you become involved in creative writing but possibly make money from it in the future. If you set your sights on your interest, you enjoy doing your job that much more.

Don't copy other students. Art is unique in that creations are made from one's heart. What this means is that if you simply emulate what someone else does, you are not exactly being true to yourself. Instead, you are emulating someone else's vision, which is not conducive to your future endeavors in art. You have to be able to work from the heart, focusing on what you enjoy, so that you may be able to stand out from others in your field.

Do seek knowledge, no matter what. It's hard to imagine why anyone would stop looking for knowledge, regardless of the field they'd like to work in. This is especially true for artists, as they may learn new things they never were aware of before. When you actively stop looking for new things to learn about, in your particular interest, you start to lose a sense of wonder that comes with your work. With that said, you should never overlook the importance of seeking knowledge.

Don't be afraid to accept critique. One of the difficult aspects of art is understanding where your faults lie. You may not be able to recognize them, at least early on, but those who review your work may have an easier time of doing so. When this happens, you should accept the words given to you, as they can serve as some of the best building blocks to help you become a better worker. Failure to do so may hinder your growth in any artistic field.

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