Monday, November 3, 2014

All About Left Hand Violin Hold

By Etta Bowen

If you want to know all about this position, then you would just have to read this short yet informative article. This source may be brief in nature but then, you would certainly be able to learn a lot of it. That is one of the few things in this world that you can count on. That is a fact that you cannot ignore.

First, you should be able to grab your instrument in the proper way by now. That is the initial stage of getting yourself acquainted with the left hand violin hold. If you have perfected the step at this point, then you can say to yourself that you have already come a long way. You are no longer the beginner that you used to be and that is great news.

Second, pay attention to where your left palm is. If none of your body parts is in contact with the violin neck, then you should realize that you have not mastered the correct position yet. So, try to take out some of the leniency that you are putting on your training. It is time for you to get serious and nothing should stand in your way.

Third, make sure that you are fully relaxed whenever you are in front of your notes. If you can put your mind in that kind of setting in just a few minutes, then you can no longer ask for anything more. It is clear to see that you are in the zone and that is something that you need to be proud of since you have managed to be in this level by yourself.

You would have to work on your fingers. If they are too stiff for your own good, then you would have to practice moving them in swift motions even at this early point. Take note that you have no time to waste in here. You may only be learning a few things for now but then, success is something that would not wait for you.

If you have always been a stiff musician, then make an effort to change that in the coming days. You may not be in any sort of deadline but then, you only have one life to live. If you are not going to be a master violinist any time soon, then you will surely be missing out on a lot of opportunities in your life.

You would have to be very dedicated in moving your fingers. Yes, you would get tired from it eventually but then, this is part of everything that you have signed up for. So, just go with the flow since your passion would eventually lead you to where you are supposed to be.

Learn the life of musicians. Learn from some of them if you have the chance. That is the only way that you will be able to improve your craft.

Overall, do well in all of your lessons. Have more patience in yourself. The music will soon come to you in time. Never stress yourself too much.

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