Sunday, March 16, 2014

When God Is Pronounced Jeezes

By Luisa Sharpe

The notion of divinity keeps changing as new inventions through science disapprove traditional notions. This has ignited a debate in religious circles and heralded the emergence of a grouping where God is pronounced Jeezes. The answers provided by religion no longer satisfy the curiosity of humanity. Traditional theology has ceased to be the center of human thinking. These ideas are gaining momentum and being embraced by followers in different parts of the world.

The centers of the discussion include online and copied videos, public forums, books and blogs. Criticism is growing with a lot of the traditional notions about divinity being questioned. Death remains emotive with most members of this new school of thought unsatisfied at the unexplained demise of young people. It sends innocent children into a lot of pain and suffering. This is unlike the known portrayal of the Supreme Being as caring and all good.

The pain that family members suffer in case of loss goes unexplained, especially where young family members are involved. It appears as though life has been taken away from a promising union or family. The spouse is left in eternal loneliness with the children being denied the love of growing under the watch of both parents. The incidence also means the end of a family dream that included growing old together. This has become a theological dilemma with most scholars being unable to explain.

Evil people have been said to life longer and enjoy a comfortable life as well. This is at the expense of good people who undergo a lot of suffering. Natural justice would dictate otherwise. The evil keep harassing the poor and underprivileged but the almighty does not intervene. This is a big scare that cannot be explained in simple terms. Different theologians have tried to explain such scenarios to no avail.

The pastor at the center of this debate is Jeeves who cites the trouble of Job as documented in the book by the same title. The Old Testament gives a story of a person who lost all his possessions including children. In his words, Jeeves says that God was preparing Job for greater glory through suffering and therefore humanity should not loose faith in Him on such account.

The notion that God is perfect has become another point of contention. This is a claim that runs across religions in all societies. Those opposed to the notion claim that the idea would make sense if calamities like floods and earthquakes would stop causing immense suffering as they do. They take innocent lives with unfulfilled dreams.

The conflict has also revolved around the theories of evolution and that of creation. This is in light of recent scientific findings that seem to go contrary to such contention. There is more complexity to life than is indicated in sacred scriptures. Science has disapproved some of the notions and the younger generation is realizing that what they believed no longer holds. They are attempting to make sense of the idea of God.

Shifting theological centers are opening new chapters in the understanding of God. Traditional knowledge is gradually being dismantled as people recreate new notions of their supreme being. The entry of scholars from both sides of the divide serves to make it more sensitive.

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